Game Community
Lunatic Custom Week Mod Community
12 Members

Comments (15)

What do you think?

Confronting yourself cover?


Is This For Luigikid Creepypasta Challenge?


Custom Icons there kinda bad but I tried

Download the Cancelled Build here:



Plot Summery:

Uh oh! You were goin' to meet up with ur ex alongside ur Girlfriend. But now he's a MANIAC and wants to KILL both of you! The only way to make it out? The power of music...

Will BF & GF make it out alive? Or will they end up becoming Lunatic Pico's first killings? I dunno, depends if your good at FNF or not. ยฏ\_(ใƒ„)_/ยฏ

@MilatheGamerMaker / @Neon_Girl_Creates_210 - Director, composer, artist & creator of Lunatic Pico

@NikiDX - Artist, animator, composer, charter, writer & programmer

@MiloTFH3147 - Composer & voice actor of Lunatic Pico

@8bitdnio - Composer

@AshtonMakesGame5 - Writer, supervisor & beta tester

@renanthefangameplayer - Charter & beta tester

@JustYoBoiEJ246 - Beta tester

@FreddyBA - Composer


Tick tock. He's coming for you.

#fnf #fangame

Cartoon Violence
Animated Bloodshed
Crass Humor

Updated the Concept.


HUSH, Made by 8bitdnio
Stars: Lunatic Pico and Boyfriend

We might need new composers for the Sadist Pico mod. The old one kinda just...gave out...

Sadist Pico makes a cameo in Triple M!
Song name: Lava

Due to controversy reasons about @Max4459 I'll be doing the effects of the cutscenes for the mod.

So Question for the Sadist Pico Custom Week Mod Bullet Mechanic: If you fail to hit the bullet note how much health would be drained?

(And no they're not insta-kill.)

"Let's have a showdown shall we?" -Sadist Pico

Daniel and Sadist Pico share the same birthday so that's why I made this:

Sadist Pico Custom Week Mod Leak #4 +Message to Luigikid, LiNX4, and 8-bitRyan
Oh wow this is a lot to go through so anyways hereโ€™s more stuff for the Sadist Pico Custom Week Mod!Credit to @Niki2088Official for the artwork, myuu for the...

Modified Font HUD because yes.

Screenshot by @Niki2088Official

Ok NVM we found the situation. The stage is loaded, but the position of it is messed up so we're gonna be here for a while before @Niki2088Official sets it up into the correct position.